12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Kathrin Hamenstaedt with the persons below:
Karen McAuliffe
- Birmingham Law School - Professor of Law & Language and Birmingham Fellow
Person: Academic
Nando Sigona
- Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology - Professor of International Migration and Forced Displacement
- Institute for Research into Superdiversity
Person: Academic
Fiona de Londras
- Birmingham Law School - Barber Chair of Jurisprudence
- Arts and Law - Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer
Person: Academic
Charlotte Galpin
- Political Science and International Studies - Associate Professor
- Institute for German and European Studies
Person: Academic
Aleksandra Cavoski
- Birmingham Law School - Professor of Law
- Centre for Environmental Research and Justice
- Arts and Law - Director of Global Engagement
Person: Academic
Rita Floyd
- Political Science and International Studies - Professor of International Security and Ethics
Person: Academic
Nick Vaughan-Williams
- Social Sciences - Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College, Social Sciences
Person: Academic