Neuromuscular fatigue and recovery after strenuous exercise depends on skeletal muscle size and stem cell characteristics

Philipp Baumert*, S. Temple, J. M. Stanley, M. Cocks, J. A. Strauss, S. O. Shepherd, B. Drust, M. J. Lake, C. E. Stewart, R. M. Erskine

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Hamstring muscle injury is highly prevalent in sports involving repeated maximal sprinting. Although neuromuscular fatigue is thought to be a risk factor, the mechanisms underlying the fatigue response to repeated maximal sprints are unclear. Here, we show that repeated maximal sprints induce neuromuscular fatigue accompanied with a prolonged strength loss in hamstring muscles. The immediate hamstring strength loss was linked to both central and peripheral fatigue, while prolonged strength loss was associated with indicators of muscle damage. The kinematic changes immediately after sprinting likely protected fatigued hamstrings from excess elongation stress, while larger hamstring muscle physiological cross-sectional area and lower myoblast:fibroblast ratio appeared to protect against fatigue/damage and improve muscle recovery within the first 48 h after sprinting. We have therefore identified novel mechanisms that likely regulate the fatigue/damage response and initial recovery following repeated maximal sprinting in humans.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7733
Number of pages14
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
Early online date8 Apr 2021
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This study was supported by a Liverpool John Moores University PhD studentship (P.B.), and the Wellcome Trust Biomedical Vacation Scholarships (R.M.E., M.S.) (207194/Z/17/Z). P.B, as part of the EuroTech Postdoc Programme, is co-funded by the European Commission under its framework programme Horizon 2020. Grant Agreement number 754462.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021, The Author(s).

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