Need for teachers' professional development in a low-resource context during and after COVID-19

Shajed Rahman, Mohammad Abu Bakar Siddik

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This qualitative study investigated teachers’ professional development (TPD) needs for teaching marginalised children who do not have access to virtual platforms in a Low and Middle Income Country (LMIC). Data were gathered using semi-structured interview schedules from different stakeholders of primary education in Bangladesh. The findings revealed that teachers have taken additional measures to online remote teaching to continue marginalised children’s education. The study also showed that teachers need to develop new skills for doing so and they took several innovative initiatives in addition to government and school provided professional development provisions to address the needs. The study concluded by indicating further scopes of TPD for remote and blended learning.
Original languageEnglish
Article number47
Number of pages14
Journal International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 22 Dec 2021


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