Dimensions of infinitely generated self-affine sets and restricted digit sets for signed Lüroth expansions

Sven Van Dijk, Charlene Kalle, Sabrina Kombrink, Tony Samuel

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For countably infinite IFSs on ℝ2 consisting of affine contractions with diagonal linear parts, we give conditions under which the affinity dimension is an upper bound for the Hausdorff dimension and a lower bound for the lower box-counting dimension. Moreover, we identify a family of countably infinite IFSs for which the Hausdorff and affinity dimension are equal, and which have full dimension spectrum. The corresponding self-affine sets are related to restricted digit sets for signed L\"uroth expansions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2024

Bibliographical note

16 pages, 1 figure with 3 subfigures.


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