Accommodation through personalisation: ensuring the autistic student has an equal opportunity for success in the PhD viva voce

Andrea MacLeod, Barbara Sandland, Neil Hall, nicholas chown

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Despite the viva being an essential component of all PhD and other doctoral qualifications in UK universities, there is little research into their accessibility for autistic students, or the process of adjusting them to individual students’ needs. Autistic student voices about the viva are almost completely absent from the literature. This paper is the first to employ a collaborative, ethnographical case study to explore the doctoral viva voce experience of an autistic student, directly from their perspective and from the perspectives of non-autistic academics central to the process. The experiences we share highlight the limitations of ‘reasonable accommodation’ plans, if they offer only generic support based on a diagnostic label, rather than taking account of the individual needs, and the importance of recognising the unique role that the viva voce holds within doctoral studies. We present a ‘reasonable accommodations’ discussion document, to facilitate autistic student-centred discussions and ensure the viva process is fair and accessible. We further assert that accommodations should be formally noted within the examination report as to their use and impact.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1404-1419
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Further and Higher Education
Issue number10
Early online date7 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2023


  • Autsim
  • viva voce
  • doctoral research
  • reasonable accomodations
  • reasonable adjustments
  • autistic voice
  • higher education


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