A new approach to the Fourier extension problem for the paraboloid

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We propose a new approach to the Fourier restriction conjectures. It is based on a discretization of the Fourier extension operators in terms of quadratically modulated wave packets. Using this new point of view, and by combining natural scalar and mixed norm quantities from appropriate level sets, we prove that all the L2-based k-linear extension conjectures are true up to the endpoint for every 1≤k≤d+1 if one of the functions involved is a full tensor. We also introduce the concept of weak transversality, under which we show that all conjectured L2-based multilinear extension estimates are still true up to the endpoint, provided that one of the functions involved has a weaker tensor structure, and we prove that this result is sharp. Under additional tensor hypotheses, we show that one can improve the conjectured threshold of these problems in some cases. In general, the largely unknown multilinear extension theory beyond L2 inputs remains open even in the bilinear case; with this new point of view, and still under the previous tensor hypothesis, we obtain the near-restriction target for the k-linear extension operator if the inputs are in a certain Lp space for p sufficiently large. The proof of this result is adapted to show that the k-fold product of linear extension operators (no transversality assumed) also “maps near restriction” if one input is a tensor. Finally, we exploit the connection between the geometric features behind the results of this paper and the theory of Brascamp–Lieb inequalities, which allows us to verify a special case of a conjecture by Bennett, Bez, Flock and Lee.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2841–2921
Number of pages81
JournalAnalysis and PDE
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 12 Oct 2024


  • Fourier restriction
  • extension operator
  • multilinear restriction
  • transversality
  • weak transversality


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