Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods

Simon Pemberton, Jennifer Phillimore, Hannah Bradby, Beatriz Padilla, Jessica Lopes, Silja Samerski, Rachel Humphris

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To date little attention has been focused on how the differing features of ‘superdiverse’ neighbourhoods shape residents’ access to healthcare services. Through utilising a cross-national mixed-methods approach, the paper highlights how defining features of superdiverse neighbourhoods - ‘newness’, ‘novelty’ and ‘diversity’ - influence a number of neighbourhood ‘domains’ and ‘rules of access’ that regulate access to healthcare. Issues of uncertainty, affordability, compliance, transnationalism and the diversity of community and local sociability are identified as being particularly significant, but which may vary in importance according to the nationality, ethnicity and / or religion of particular individuals.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)128-135
JournalHealth and Place
Early online date14 Dec 2018
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


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