“You Still Want to Go Lots of Places”: Exploring Walking Interviews in Research With Older Migrants

Magdolna Lorinc, Majella Kilkey*, Louise Ryan, Obert Tawodzera

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background and Objectives: Walking interviews have become prevalent in social sciences; however, their use in research with older people is limited. This article offers a reflexive account of our ethical and methodological choices and practices while conducting walking interviews with older migrants, and considers the potential of this method in researching migrants’ aging in place.

Research Design and Methods: The study had a longitudinal, multisited (London and Yorkshire), qualitatively driven multimethod research design. In 2018–2019, in-depth interviews were conducted with 45 older migrants originally from the Caribbean, Ireland, and Poland, followed by walking interviews with a subsample of 9 participants 6–12 months later. The majority of participants were older than 80 years.

Results: Our study demonstrated that walking interviews are a promising method to explore in depth a variety of relevant issues including older migrants’ mobility, and health and well-being; navigating places through everyday activities; interactions with local neighborhoods over time; and the meanings associated with such experiences. Through direct exposure to the physicality of places, walking interviews can elicit rich and complex data that would be difficult to collect through other methods.

Discussion and Implications: Conducting walking interviews with older migrants has unique thematic potential. However, a range of ethical and practical challenges need to be considered, including a risk to revealing participants’ identities and adopting an ethics-in-practice approach. The method has some limitations, especially with less-mobile participants. Implications for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners are suggested.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)832–841
Number of pages10
JournalThe Gerontologist
Issue number6
Early online date13 Oct 2021
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022

Bibliographical note

This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (award ES/P009255/1, “Sustainable Care: Connecting People and Systems” [2017–2021]; Principal Investigator: Sue Yeandle, University of Sheffield).


  • Aging in place
  • Longitudinal research
  • Mobile methods
  • Qualitative multimethod research design
  • Research ethics


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