Web-based 5-Step Method for affected family members

Akanidomo Ibanga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

10 Citations (Scopus)


Though affected others probably outnumber those actually misusing alcohol and drugs, the services that are available to them are marginal and do not adequately meet the needs of this growing population of concerned family members (FMs). Evidence available suggests that the 5-Step Method is effective in supporting FMs who are concerned about their relatives' drinking or drug misuse. However, not all evidence-based treatments are being used by health care practitioners. The challenge of the 5-Step Method would thus be making it available to the FMs in need. This article looks at the development and experience of providing this intervention in a format that can be accessed on the internet by FMs. Preliminary results show that the internet is viable for the dissemination of the 5-Step intervention with the potential of reaching many affected FMs. FMs reported this online version as straight forward, easy to use and helpful. Ways in which the delivery of the programme might be improved for the increased benefit of FMs are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129-153
Number of pages25
JournalDrugs education prevention and policy
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010


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