Wavelet Analysis of Differential TEC Measurements Obtained Using LOFAR

Ben Boyde, Alan Wood*, Gareth Dorrian, Frits Sweijen, Francesco de Gasperin, Maaijke Mevius, Kasia Beser, David Themens

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Radio interferometers used to make astronomical observations, such as the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), experience distortions imposed upon the received signal due to the ionosphere as well as those from instrumental errors. Calibration using a well-characterized radio source can be used to mitigate these effects and produce more accurate images of astronomical sources, and the calibration process provides measurements of ionospheric conditions over a wide range of length scales. The basic ionospheric measurement this provides is differential Total Electron Content (TEC, the integral of electron density along the line of sight). Differential TEC measurements made using LOFAR have a precision of < 1 mTECu and therefore enable investigation of ionospheric disturbances which may be undetectable to many other methods. We demonstrate an approach to identify ionospheric waves from these data using a wavelet transform and a simple plane wave model. The noise spectra are robustly characterized to provide uncertainty estimates for the fitted parameters. An example is shown in which this method identifies a wave with an amplitude an order of magnitude below those reported using Global Navigation Systems Satellite TEC measurements. Artificially generated data are used to test the accuracy of the method and establish the range of wavelengths which can be detected using this method with LOFAR data. This technique will enable the use of a large and mostly unexplored data set to study traveling ionospheric disturbances over Europe.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2023RS007871
Number of pages19
JournalRadio Science
Issue number4
Early online date30 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024

Bibliographical note

This work is supported by the Leverhulme Trust under Research Project Grant RPG-2020-140. Ben Boyde acknowledges receipt of a PhD studentship from the same grant. This paper is based on data obtained with the International LOFAR Telescope (ILT). LOFAR (van Haarlem et al., 2013) is the LOw Frequency ARray designed and constructed by ASTRON. It has observing, data processing, and data storage facilities in several countries, that are owned by various parties (each with their own funding sources), and that are collectively operated by the ILT foundation under a joint scientific policy. The ILT resources have benefited from the following recent major funding sources: CNRS-INSU, Observatoire de Paris and Université d’Orléans, France; BMBF, MIWF-NRW, MPG, Germany; Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI), Ireland; NWO, The Netherlands; The Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK; Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland. LOFAR data are available at https://lta.lofar.eu/.


  • mid‐latitude
  • ionosphere


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