Two conceptions of absolute generality

Salvatore Florio*, Nicholas K Jones

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What is absolutely unrestricted quantification? We distinguish two theoretical roles and identify two conceptions of absolute generality: maximally strong generality and maximally inclusive generality. We also distinguish two corresponding kinds of absolute domain. A maximally strong domain contains every potential counterexample to a generalisation. A maximally inclusive domain is such that no domain extends it. We argue that both conceptions of absolute generality are legitimate and investigate the relations between them. Although these conceptions coincide in standard settings, we show how they diverge under more complex assumptions about the structure of meaningful predication, such as cumulative type theory. We conclude by arguing that maximally strong generality is the more theoretically valuable conception.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
JournalPhilosophical Studies
Early online date6 Mar 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Mar 2023


  • absolute generality
  • unrestricted quantification
  • type theory
  • higher-order logic
  • property theory
  • range of significance


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