Transition to Electric Vehicles: Stimulating Local Authorities to address charging infrastructure challenges

Research output: Other contribution


Britain’s ‘road to zero’ aims to attain zero emissions by 2040, but research has exposed barriers to delivering an efficient electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure including: urban versus rural charging infrastructure divide; EV affordability and consumer acceptance, range anxiety, lack of spaces installing charging points in some Local Authorities (LAs), lack of educational
programmes and views on electricity pressure/demand on the National Grid.
Key recommendations include: innovation in consumer experience on EV technologies; transition plan from petrol and diesel cars (ICE) to EVs; bridging urban-rural charging infrastructure gap; improving EV incentives; investment in disadvantaged and low-income communities and measures decarbonizing the National Grid towards a low-carbon economy.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputPolicy Briefing
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019


  • Electric vehicle (EV), Charging Infrastructure, Local Authorities, Policy Challenges


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