Transcription factor IID parks and drives preinitiation complexes at sharp or broad promoters

Andrea Bernardini, Camille Hollinger, Damaris Willgenss, Ferenc Müller, Didier Devys*, László Tora*

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Core promoters are sites where transcriptional regulatory inputs of a gene are integrated to direct the assembly of the preinitiation complex (PIC) and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcription output. Until now, core promoter functions have been investigated by distinct methods, including Pol II transcription initiation site mappings and structural characterization of PICs on distinct promoters. Here, we bring together these previously unconnected observations and hypothesize how, on metazoan TATA promoters, the precisely structured building up of transcription factor (TF) IID-based PICs results in sharp transcription start site (TSS) selection; or, in contrast, how the less strictly controlled positioning of the TATA-less promoter DNA relative to TFIID-core PIC components results in alternative broad TSS selections by Pol II.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)839-848
Number of pages10
JournalTrends in Biochemical Sciences
Issue number10
Early online date12 Aug 2023
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We are grateful to S. Bour for help in making Figure 2 . This work was financially supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) ANR-19-CE11-0003-02 , ANR-20-CE12-0017-03 , ANR-22-CE11-0013-01_ACT ; Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (EQU-2021-03012631); NIH MIRA (R35GM139564); and NSF (Award Number: 1933344) grants. A.B. has been supported by the Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer (ARCPOST-DOC2021080004113). This work, as part of the ITI 2021-2028 program of the University of Strasbourg , was also supported by IdEx Unistra (ANR-10-IDEX-0002), and by SFRI-STRAT’US project (ANR 20-SFRI-0012) and EUR IMCBio (ANR-17-EURE-0023) under the framework of the French Investments for the Future Program.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors


  • core promoter architecture
  • preinitiation complex
  • RNA polymerase II
  • transcription factor IID
  • transcription initiation
  • transcription start site selection

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology


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