Three Psychometric Scales for Groove Research: Inner Representation of Temporal Regularity, Time-Related Interest, and Energetic Arousal

Olivier Senn*, Toni Amadeus Bechtold, Rafael Jerjen, Lorenz Kilchenmann, Florian Hoesl

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This study develops three composite psychometric scales for the use in listening experiments across music psychology. The new scales measure the following three psychological constructs: (1) Inner representation of temporal regularity: This scale allows listeners to assess to what extent they experience a subjective feeling of temporal regularity and predictability while listening to music. The scale consists of four items, and it measures the underlying construct with good reliability (Cronbach's α = .88). (2) Time-related interest: This scale measures how much listeners feel that the rhythm of the music captures their attention. The scale consists of three items and shows good reliability (α = .85). (3) Energetic arousal: This scale measures how much the listeners feel energized while they are listening to music. The scale uses four items and has excellent reliability (α = .95). The development of the scales was motivated by the psychological model of musical groove in which the three underlying psychological constructs play an important role; the new scales serve to test the model hypotheses. The three scales can also be administered separately and might prove to be useful in research contexts within music psychology that investigate subjective experiences of temporal regularity, interest, or energetic arousal in music listeners.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-16
Number of pages16
JournalMusic & Science
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jul 2023


  • temporal regularity
  • music psychology
  • Energetic arousal
  • mood
  • rhythm
  • psychometric scale
  • groove
  • time-related interest


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