The Final Stereogenic Unit of [2]Rotaxanes: Type 2 Geometric Isomers

Andrea Savoini, Peter Gallagher, Abed Saady, Stephen Goldup*

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Mechanical stereochemistry arises when the interlocking of stereochemically trivial covalent subcomponents results in a stereochemically complex object. Although this general concept was identified in 1961, the stereochemical description of these molecules is still under development to the extent that new forms of mechanical stereochemistry are still being identified. Here, we present a simple analysis of rotaxane and catenane stereochemistry that allowed us to identify the final missing simple mechanical stereogenic unit, an overlooked form of rotaxane geometric isomerism, and demonstrate its stereoselective synthesis.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Early online date18 Mar 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 18 Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

S.M.G. thanks the ERC (agreement no. 724987) for funding and the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Fellowship (RSWF\FT\180010). A. Saady thanks the Council for Higher Education-Israel for a personal fellowship. A. Savoini thanks the Royal Society and University of Birmingham for funding. P.R.G. thanks the University of Southampton and the University of Birmingham for funding.


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