The Active Encounter Complex in Frustrated Lewis Pair Chemistry

Alastair T. Littlewood, Tao Liu, Linjiang Chen, Timothy Barendt*, Andrew Jupp*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint


Sustainable catalysts based on main-group elements have emerged as alternatives to expensive and environmentally unfriendly precious metal systems. Frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs) are precluded from forming a classical Lewis adduct, and have displayed remarkably versatile reactivity in the fields of small-molecule activation and catalysis. The initial reaction of the acid, base and small molecule (e.g. H2) is formally termolecular, but the viability of this reaction is rationalised by the pre-association of the acid and base in an encounter complex. However, there is no experimental methodology to study the active encounter complex, i.e. the pre-associated complex that is in the correct orientation for small-molecule activation. Here we show that the charge-transfer band between PMes3 and B(C6F5)3 can be analysed by supramolecular techniques to provide the key thermodynamic parameter, Ka, for the active encounter complex. We also demonstrate that a higher concentration of active encounter complex in solution leads to a faster activation of hydrogen. This method enables researchers to directly probe the complex that underpins FLP small-molecule activation and subsequent catalysis, and will aid the design of more active sustainable catalysts.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2023


  • Frustrated Lewis Pairs
  • Small-molecule activation
  • Main-group chemistry
  • Catalysis


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