Testing for price bubbles in Australia listed equities and A-REIT markets

Jamie Alcock, Angelo Aspris, Stephen Satchell, Reuben Segara, Danika Wright, Juan Yao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We explore the prevalence of asset-price bubbles in Australian listed industrial equities and A-REIT markets. In contrast to the US listed stock markets, we find little evidence of asset-price bubbles in historical returns of Australian markets (1992-2016). Our findings are robust to the choice of econometric method and historical data range.
We also provide a review of the literature surrounding asset-pricing bubbles, as well as a review of the econometric identification of asset-price bubbles. In our analysis we note that significant future research is required in the econometric identification of asset-price bubbles. While the existence of asset price bubbles cannot be ruled out, significant advancements in the literature are required before academics and practitioners can gain any further insight.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAJAF – The Australasian Journal of Applied Finance
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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