Tailoring absorptivity of highly reflective Ag powders by pulsed-direct current magnetron sputtering for additive manufacturing processes

Matthew D. Wadge*, Morgan Lowther*, Timothy P. Cooper, William J. Reynolds, Alistair Speidel, Luke N. Carter, Daisy Rabbitt, Zakhar R. Kudrynskyi, Reda M. Felfel, Ifty Ahmed, Adam T. Clare, David M. Grant, Liam M. Grover, Sophie C. Cox

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Processing of highly reflective and high thermally conductive materials (Cu, Ag, etc.) by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is of increasing interest to broaden the range of materials that can be additively manufactured. However, these alloys are challenged by high reflectivity resulting in unmelted particles and porosity. This is exacerbated for in-situ alloying techniques, where divergent optical properties of blended powders further narrow the stable processing window. One possible route to improved uniformity of initial melting is through coating powders with an optically absorptive layer. In-situ alloying of Ti-Ag was chosen as a model to assess this, given the potential of Ti-Ag as a novel antimicrobial biomedical alloy, facilitating an ideal model to assess this approach. High purity Ag powder was coated with Ti via physical vapour deposition. Barriers to reliable coating were investigated, with agglomeration of particles observed at a sputtering power of 100 W. In-situ laser micro calorimetry demonstrated a significant improvement in melting performance for coated Ag powder, with continuous tracks attained at 280 W vs. 320 W for uncoated powder, and absorptivity increasing from 27 % to 45 % at 320 W incident laser power. Subsequent in-situ alloying of the Ag powder when blended with commercially pure Ti powder demonstrated that improved absorptivity allowed for more uniform densification of the blended powder bed at lower energy density (0.7 ± 1.0 vs 7.1 ± 2.0 % porosity at 133 J.m-1). Ultimately, this offers a promising route to improved alloy development via LPBF, through application of a homogeneous, relevant coating.

Original languageEnglish
Article number117985
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Materials Processing Technology
Early online date11 Apr 2023
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was graciously funded through an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Research Grant (EP/P02341X/1), EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship (grant number EP/T517902/1), EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing (EP/L01534X/1), as well as support from an EPSRC Equipment Grant (grant code: EP/L022494/1) and UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/T017783/1). The authors would like to thank all technical help within the Wolfson building, the Centre for Additive Manufacturing, Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre (nmRC) facilities (FEG-SEM/EDS) at the University of Nottingham, and facilities within the Healthcare Technologies Institute, School of Chemical Engineering, and School of Metallurgy and Materials at the University of Birmingham.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors


  • Additive manufacturing
  • Laser powder bed fusion
  • Magnetron sputtering
  • Physical vapour deposition

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ceramics and Composites
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Metals and Alloys
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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