Spatial variability of precipitation regimes over Turkey

F Saris, David Hannah, Warren Eastwood

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Turkish annual precipitation regimes are analysed to provide large-scale perspective and redefine precipitation regions. Monthly total precipitation data are employed for 107 stations (1963–2002). Precipitation regime shape (seasonality) and magnitude (size) are classified using a novel multivariate methodology. Six shape and five magnitude classes are identified, which exhibit clear spatial structure. A composite (shape and magnitude) regime classification reveals dominant controls on spatial variability of precipitation. Intra-annual timing and magnitude of precipitation is highly variable due to seasonal shifts in Polar and Subtropical zones and physiographic factors. Nonetheless, the classification methodology is shown to be a powerful tool that identifies physically-interpretable precipitation regions: (1) coastal regimes for Marmara, coastal Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea; (2) transitional regimes in continental Aegean and Southeast Anatolia; and (3) inland regimes across central and Eastern Anatolia. This research has practical implications for understanding water resources, which are under ever growing pressure in Turkey.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)234-249
Number of pages16
JournalHydrological Sciences Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010


  • Glacier
  • Glaciality index
  • Snow
  • rainfall
  • Macroinvertebrate
  • Turkey
  • regionalization
  • regimes
  • Alpine
  • Stream
  • classification
  • precipitation climatology
  • Arctic


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