Shedding light on X17: community report

Daniele S. M. Alves, Daniele Barducci, Gianluca Cavoto, Luc Darmé, Luigi Delle rose, Luca Doria, Jonathan L. Feng, André Frankenthal, Ashot Gasparian, Evgueni Goudzovski, Carlo Gustavino, Shaaban Khalil, Venelin Kozhuharov, Attila J. Krasznahorkay, Tommaso Marchi, Manuel Meucci, Gerald A. Miller, Stefano Moretti, Marco Nardecchia, Enrico NardiHugo Natal da luz, Giovanni Organtini, Angela Papa, Ann-kathrin Perrevoort, Vlasios Petousis, Gabriele Piperno, Mauro Raggi*, Francesco Renga, Patrick Schwendimann, Rudolf Sýkora, Claudio Toni, Paolo Valente, Cecilia Voena, Cheuk-yin Wong, Xilin Zhang

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The workshop “Shedding light on X17” brings together scientists looking for the existence of a possible new light particle, often referred to as X17. This hypothetical particle can explain the resonant structure observed at ∼ 17 MeV in the invariant mass of electron-positron pairs, produced after excitation of nuclei such as 8Be and 4He by means of proton beams at the Atomki Laboratory in Debrecen. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss implications of this anomaly, in particular theoretical interpretations as well as present and future experiments aiming at confirming the result and/or at providing experimental evidence for its interpretation.
Original languageEnglish
Article number230
Number of pages66
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 20 Mar 2023


  • Review


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