Restraining Quiescence Release-Related Ageing in Plant Cells: A Case Study in Carrot

Katie Schulz, Gabriela Machaj, Paul Knox, Robert D. Hancock, Susan R. Verrall, Risto Korpinen, Pekka Saranpää, Anna Kärkönen, Barbara Karpinska, Christine H. Foyer*

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The blackening of cut carrots causes substantial economic losses to the food industry. Blackening was not observed in carrots that had been stored underground for less than a year, but the susceptibility to blackening increased with the age of the carrots that were stored underground for longer periods. Samples of black, border, and orange tissues from processed carrot batons and slices, prepared under industry standard conditions, were analyzed to identify the molecular and metabolic mechanisms underpinning processing-induced blackening. The black tissues showed substantial molecular and metabolic rewiring and large changes in the cell wall structure, with a decreased abundance of xyloglucan, pectins (homogalacturonan, rhamnogalacturonan-I, galactan and arabinan), and higher levels of lignin and other phenolic compounds when compared to orange tissues. Metabolite profiling analysis showed that there was a major shift from primary to secondary metabolism in the black tissues, which were depleted in sugars, amino acids, and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates but were rich in phenolic compounds. These findings suggest that processing triggers a release from quiescence. Transcripts encoding proteins associated with secondary metabolism were less abundant in the black tissues, but there were no increases in transcripts associated with oxidative stress responses, programmed cell death, or senescence. We conclude that restraining quiescence release alters cell wall metabolism and composition, particularly regarding pectin composition, in a manner that increases susceptibility to blackening upon processing.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2465
Number of pages21
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 16 Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

This research was funded by UKRI (BB/R505535/1), a BBSRC CASE studentship for KS with Kettle Produce Ltd. (UK).


  • post-harvest processing
  • cell ageing
  • metabolome
  • transcriptome
  • cell wall composition
  • lignification
  • wounding


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