Ressentiment in the Manosphere: Conceptions of Morality and Avenues for Resistance in the Incel Hatred Pipeline

Tereza Capelos*, Mikko Salmela, Anastaseia Talalakina, Oliver Cotena, Laura Candiotto (Editor)

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This article investigates conceptions of morality within the framework of ressentimentful victimhood in the manosphere, while also exploring avenues for resistance among young individuals encountering the “hatred pipeline”. In Study 1, we use the emotional mechanism of ressentiment to examine how incels construct narratives of victimhood rooted in the notion of sexual entitlement that remains owed and unfulfilled, alongside its “black pill” variant emphasising moral and epistemic superiority. Through a linguistic corpus analysis and content examination of 4chan and blog posts, we find evidence of ressentiment morality permeating the language and communication within the incel community, characterised by blame directed at women, and the pervasive themes of victimhood, powerlessness, and injustice. In Study 2, we delve into young individuals’ reflections on incel morality and victimhood narratives as they engage with online networks of toxic masculinity in the manosphere. Drawing from semi-structured interviews with young participants who have accessed the manosphere, we explore their perceptions of risks, attribution of blame, and experiences of empathy towards individuals navigating the “hatred pipeline”. Our analysis underscores the significance of ressentiment in elucidating alternative conceptions of morality and victimhood, while shedding light on the potential for acceptance or resistance within online environments characterised by hatred.
Original languageEnglish
Article number36
Number of pages20
Issue number2
Early online date13 Mar 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

The work of Capelos and Salmela was partially co-funded by the European Union (Horizon Europe, PLEDGE: POLITICS OF GRIEVANCE AND DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE, project number 101132560), and the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK’s government Horizon Europe Funding Guarantee (project number 10108342). Salmela’s work was also supported by funding by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (Grant Agreement no. 832940).


  • ressentiment morality
  • young individuals
  • incels
  • hatred pipeline
  • victimhood
  • manosphere


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