Reciprocal transcription factor networks govern tissue-resident ILC3 subset function and identity

Rémi Fiancette, Conor M. Finlay, Claire Willis, Sarah L. Bevington, Jake Soley, Sky T. H. Ng, Syed Murtuza Baker, Simon Andrews, Matthew R. Hepworth*, David R. Withers*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are guardians of mucosal immunity, yet the transcriptional networks that support their function remain poorly understood. We used inducible combinatorial deletion of key transcription factors (TFs) required for ILC development (RORγt, RORα and T-bet) to determine their necessity in maintaining ILC3 identity and function. Both RORγt and RORα were required to preserve optimum effector functions; however, RORα was sufficient to support robust interleukin-22 production among the lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi)-like ILC3 subset, but not natural cytotoxicity receptor (NCR)+ ILC3s. Lymphoid tissue inducer-like ILC3s persisted with only selective loss of phenotype and effector functions even after the loss of both TFs. In contrast, continued RORγt expression was essential to restrain transcriptional networks associated with type 1 immunity within NCR+ ILC3s, which coexpress T-bet. Full differentiation to an ILC1-like population required the additional loss of RORα. Together, these data demonstrate how TF networks integrate within mature ILCs after development to sustain effector functions, imprint phenotype and restrict alternative differentiation programs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1245–1255
Number of pages11
JournalNature Immunology
Early online date23 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021

Bibliographical note

We thank A. Ptasinska (Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences, University of Birmingham), for advice and help with ATAC–seq experiments, Genomics Birmingham, the genomic and sequencing facility of the University of Birmingham, and the University of Birmingham Flow Cytometry Platform. We thank G. Howell and the University of Manchester flow cytometry core, and A. Hayes and C. Morrisroe in the University of Manchester Genomic Technologies core facility for their help with scRNA-seq. We thank G. Frankel (Imperial College, London), for the provision of C. rodentium ICC169. We thank the following for their kind provision of mice: D. Littman (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, New York; Rorccre mice), A. McKenzie (MRC-LMB, Cambridge; Rorafl/fl mice), B. Stockinger (The Francis Crick Institute, London; Il17acre mice), S. Reiner (Columbia University, New York; Tbx21fl/fl mice) and J. Fehling (Ulm University, Germany; Rosa26tdRFP mice). We thank C. Stehle and C. Romagnani (Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany) for critical discussion of data and the manuscript. This work was supported by a Senior Research Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust to D.R.W. (110199/Z/15/Z) and by a Royal Society and Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowship (105644/Z/14/Z) and a Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine Prize to M.R.H. This work was also supported by a Wellcome Trust ISSF funding award (105610/Z/14/Z) to M.R.H. C.M.F. was supported by a Wellcome Investigator award (106898/A/15/Z) to J. E. Allen.


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