Rauzy fractals of random substitutions

Philipp Gohlke, Andrew Mitchell, Dan Rust, Tony Samuel

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We develop a theory of Rauzy fractals for random substitutions, which are a generalisation of deterministic substitutions where the substituted image of a letter is determined by a Markov process. We show that a Rauzy fractal can be associated with a given random substitution in a canonical manner, under natural assumptions on the random substitution. Further, we show the existence of a natural measure supported on the Rauzy fractal, which we call the Rauzy measure, that captures geometric and dynamical information. We provide several different constructions for the Rauzy fractal and Rauzy measure, which we show coincide, and ascertain various analytic, dynamical and geometric properties. While the Rauzy fractal is independent of the choice of (non-degenerate) probabilities assigned to a given random substitution, the Rauzy measure captures the explicit choice of probabilities. Moreover, Rauzy measures vary continuously with the choice of probabilities, thus provide a natural means of interpolating between Rauzy fractals of deterministic substitutions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages30
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jan 2024


  • Aperiodic sequence
  • Random substitution
  • Rauzy fractal
  • Graph directed iterated function systems


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