Raised FGF23 Correlates to Increased Mortality in Critical Illness, Independent of Vitamin D

Onn Shaun Thein, Naeman Akbar Ali, Rahul Y Mahida, Rachel C A Dancer, Marlies Ostermann, Karin Amrein, Gennaro Martucci, Aaron Scott, David R Thickett, Dhruv Parekh

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BACKGROUND: Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF23) is an endocrine hormone classically associated with the homeostasis of vitamin D, phosphate, and calcium. Elevated serum FGF23 is a known independent risk factor for mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. We aimed to determine if there was a similar relationship between FGF23 levels and mortality in critically ill patients.

METHODS: Plasma FGF23 levels were measured by ELISA in two separate cohorts of patients receiving vitamin D supplementation: critical illness patients (VITdAL-ICU trial, n = 475) and elective oesophagectomy patients (VINDALOO trial, n = 76). Mortality data were recorded at 30 and 180 days or at two years, respectively. FGF23 levels in a healthy control cohort were also measured ( n = 27).

RESULTS: Elevated FGF23 (quartile 4 vs. quartiles 1-3) was associated with increased short-term (30 and 180 day) mortality in critical illness patients ( p < 0.001) and long-term (two-year) mortality in oesophagectomy patients ( p = 0.0149). Patients who died had significantly higher FGF23 levels than those who survived: In the critical illness cohort, those who died had 1194.6 pg/mL (range 0-14,000), while those who survived had 120.4 pg/mL (range = 15-14,000) ( p = 0.0462). In the oesophagectomy cohort, those who died had 1304 pg/mL (range = 154-77,800), while those who survived had 644 pg/mL (range = 179-54,894) ( p < 0.001). This was found to be independent of vitamin D or CKD status (critical illness p = 0.3507; oesophagectomy p = 0.3800). FGF23 levels in healthy controls were similar to those seen in oesophagectomy patients ( p = 0.4802).

CONCLUSIONS: Elevated baseline serum FGF23 is correlated with increased mortality in both the post-oesophagectomy cohort and the cohort of patients with critical illness requiring intensive care admission. This was independent of vitamin D status, supplementation, or CKD status, which suggests the presence of vitamin D-independent mechanisms of FGF23 action during the acute and convalescent stages of critical illness, warranting further investigation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number309
Number of pages12
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2023

Bibliographical note

OST/DT/DP: Birmingham Health Partners, NA/AS/DT/DP: Chernakovsky Foundation, DT/DP: Health Technology Assessment (NIHR17/147/33), DT/AS/DP: Health Technology Assessment (NIHR129593), AS/DT/DP: Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (NIHR131600), AS/DT: Asthma + Lung UK (MCFPHD20F\2), DT/AS: Medical Research Council (MR/S002782/1; MR/J011266/1; G1100196), RYM: Medical Research Council (MR/X000338/1), KA: Fresenius Kabi (Germany), and the Austrian National Bank (Jubiläumsfonds, Project Nr. 14143).


  • FGF23
  • critical illness
  • intensive care


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