Prior brain endurance training improves endurance exercise performance

Neil Dallaway*, Sam Lucas, Joseph Marks, Chris Ring

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Mental fatigue (MF) impairs endurance exercise performance. Brain endurance training (BET) describes the systematic repetition of mentally-fatiguing cognitive tasks designed to build resilience to MF and improve endurance performance. Evidence to date shows that mental training during physical training can benefit post-training exercise performance, however, this concurrent BET approach may not be practical for all settings. Therefore, the current study evaluated the effects of mental training before physical training (prior BET) on exercise performance. A randomised control trial design: pre-test, training (BET, control), post-test. During the pre-test and post-test sessions, participants performed a 5-min rhythmic handgrip task requiring the generation of as much force as possible, a 20-min 2-back working memory task, and another 5-min rhythmic handgrip task. Participants were randomly assigned to a BET (n = 12) or control group (n = 12). Both groups completed the same submaximal rhythmic handgrip training for five weeks (four sessions per week). The BET group also completed 20-min cognitive training (2-back working memory task, incongruent colour-word Stroop task) before each submaximal exercise training session. Endurance performance improved more (p 
This study provides further evidence that brain endurance training (BET) improves performance over matched physical training.

Prior BET (i.e. engaging in mentally demanding cognitive tasks before physical training) offers another option to enhance fatigue resilience, which expands the use of BET to more sports and potentially higher intensity training where concurrent BET will not be practical.

The benefits of prior BET may be explained, at least in part, by improved prefrontal oxygenation.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Sport Science
Early online date5 Feb 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 5 Feb 2023


  • Mental fatigue
  • muscle fatigue
  • prefrontal cortex
  • attention
  • psychobiological model
  • near infrared spectroscopy


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