Overt Expletives in Ibero-Romance: A Diachronic and Diatopic Perspective

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper examines the present-day characterisation and historical development of non-referential uses of the pronoun ello/ele/ell (ELLO) in certain Ibero- Romance varieties. Since overt expletives are predicted to be incompatible with referential null subjects, the appearance of ELLO in an apparently expletive position and function is typologically anomalous with respect to the null subject parameter as traditionally conceived. Recent treatment in the literature places ELLO in the C-domain, and exceptionally in SpecTP. However, existing accounts tend to assume a unified characterisation across varieties for what we claim is actually a heterogeneous phenomenon. Novel empirical data show that ELLO displays both expletive-like and discourse-oriented properties even within the same variety, targeting different structural positions cross-dialectally. Today’s variation is argued to be an effect of ELLO reaching different stages of grammaticalisation across varieties, originating from its usage in impersonal epistemic contexts. We may therefore wish to revise our typology of expletives so as to encompass a more nuanced range of parametric values.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)205-222
Number of pages18
JournalRevue Romaine de Linguistique
Issue number2-3
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • overt expletives
  • syntax-pragmatics interface
  • null subject parameter
  • dialect syntax
  • pragmaticisation
  • Ibero-Romance languages
  • syntax
  • Linguistics
  • Romance languages
  • Romance linguistics


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