Of Technology and Lost Connections: A Decolonial Approach to As Telefones by Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida as a Hypercontemporary Novel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter explores the decolonial potential of Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida’s sixth book, As Telefones (2020), which read as a hypercontemporary novel whose interpretative possibilities go beyond established approaches to the work of the author, presents the book in the broader framework of semi-peripheral European fiction. Drawing attention to the ways in which the narrative portrays cosmopolitanism in the age of migration, it focuses on the book’s decolonial critique of the entanglement of technology and capitalism in its longue durée, registered in the fractures of contemporary intersubjective relations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Hypercontemporary Novel in Portugal
Subtitle of host publicationFictional Aesthetics and Memory after Postmodernism
EditorsPaulo de Medeiros, Ana Paula Arnaut
Place of PublicationNew York
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9798765100332, 9798765100325
ISBN (Print)9798765100318
Publication statusPublished - 8 Feb 2024


  • decolonial critique; cosmopolitanism; semi-peripheral novel; technology


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