Nuclear data uncertainty propagation and implications for radioactive waste management of fusion steels

Sophia O. Von tiedemann, David M. Collins, Mark R. Gilbert, Ivan A. Kodeli

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Predictions of material activity in commercial fusion conditions predominantly rely on computational methods, due to a lack of data on long-term effects of high-energy neutron irradiation on structural steels. Consequently, this could result in a bias due to uncertainties in nuclear data used. This work focused on modelling neutron activation of four structural steels in a fusion reactor environment after 20 years of operation. Eurofer, F82H and G91, were assessed as candidate in-vessel materials, whereas SS316L(N)-IG was solely modelled in the vacuum vessel. Activation calculations were performed using the inventory code FISPACT-II using inputs from Monte-Carlo transport simulations performed with OpenMC. The study employed a one-dimensional reactor model with a Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) tritium-breeding blanket design. With the XSUN-2022 code package, a nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty analysis on production cross-sections of relevant radio-nuclides was carried out. Eurofer and F82H steels exhibited significantly higher resistance to neutron activation than G91 and SS316L(N)-IG. At 100 years after shutdown, none of the steels reached UK low-level waste (LLW) activity levels in the first wall. In the rear of the back-support structure (BSS) of the reactor blanket, all assessed steels reached LLW levels within approximately 30 to 45 years of reactor shutdown. It was found that the vacuum vessel (SS316L(N)-IG) would not be classifiable as LLW for several centuries. Dominant radio-nuclides for each material were identified with FISPACT-II to carry out the uncertainty analyses. The calculated uncertainties were too small to affect the waste disposal options for the first wall within 100 years, but the time-to-reach LLW for BSS and vacuum vessel steel could be uncertain by up to approximately 3 and 6 years, respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Article number113409
Number of pages10
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
Early online date5 Jan 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2023


  • Nuclear data
  • Radioactive waste
  • Fusion steels
  • Uncertainty propagation
  • Sensitivity studies


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