Multiple external root resorptions in a patient with Stage IV, Grade C periodontitis and autoimmune diseases: A case report

Beant Singh Thandi, Ho Ip, Josefine Hirschfeld

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    BACKGROUND: Pathological root resorption affects permanent teeth and is usually triggered by infectious-inflammatory stimuli and/or dental trauma. Periodontitis and traumatic occlusion have been reported as possible causative factors of root resorptions, whilst the impact of systemic diseases is less well understood. This case highlights the need for consideration of multiple risk factors, especially when presenting in combination.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: A 62-year-old South Asian female presented with unstable Stage IV Grade C periodontitis, poor oral hygiene and multiple autoimmune conditions including oral lichen planus. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed multiple advanced apical and external root resorptions of the patient's molars associated with periapical bone loss, despite of a minimally restored dental status.

    CONCLUSION: A likely etiology of this patient's multiple root resorptions is the presence of unstable periodontitis with periodontal-endodontic lesions, exacerbated by a dysbalanced immune response to infectious agents. Appropriate monitoring and managing of such patients can prevent or limit the pathological process of inflammatory root resorption.

    KEY POINTS: Why is this case new information? This is the first report documenting advanced multiple external inflammatory root resorptions in a periodontitis patient with oral and systemic co-morbidities. What are the keys to successful management of this case? Early diagnosis, prevention and intervention to limit periodontal inflammation, endodontic infection and occlusal trauma. What are the primary limitations to success in this case? Late diagnosis of multiple root resorptions, palliative periodontal treatment due to poor oral hygiene compliance, and poorly controlled systemic inflammation favoring the persistence of a dysregulated immune response to the oral microbiota.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-6
    Number of pages6
    JournalClinical advances in periodontics
    Early online date17 Dec 2022
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 Dec 2022

    Bibliographical note

    © 2022 The Authors. Clinical Advances in Periodontics published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Academy of Periodontology.


    • autoimmune diseases
    • molar
    • periodontitis
    • risk factors
    • root resorption
    • traumatic dental occlusion


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