Millet, Dalì, e Buñuel: l'iconografia dell'Angelus e le sue evoluzioni pittoriche e filmiche

Sabrina Francesca Crivelli

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article explores the web of intermedial correspondences between Jean-François Millet's Angelus, Salvador Dalí's pictorial works, and Dalí's and Luis Buñuel's films. It opens with a survey of Dalí's paintings, such as Archeological Reminiscence of Millet's 'Angelus', The Architectonic Angelus of Millet, and Atavism at Twilight, which freely reference Millet's Angelus. Dalì and Buñuel's An Andalusian Dog is then analysed in order to show how Millet's Angelus and Dalí's paintings define the filmic configuration. Lastly, the article lingers on the influences of Millet's Angelus and Dalí's pictorial works on Buñuel's Viridiana and Belle de Jour.
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)298-305
Number of pages8
JournalArte| Documento
Issue number32
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • intermediality
  • Jean-François Millet's Angelus
  • Luis Buñuel
  • An Andalusian Dog
  • Salvador Dalí'
  • Viridiana
  • Belle de Jour

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