Leveraging opportunity of low carbon transition by super-emitter cities in China

Heran Zheng, Zengkai Zhang, Erik Dietzenbacher, Ya Zhou, Johannes Többen, Kuishuang Feng, Daniel Moran, Meng Jiang, Yuli Shan*, Daoping Wang, Xiaoyu Liu, Dandan Zhao, Jing Meng*, Jiamin Ou, Dabo Guan, Li Li

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Chinese cities are core in the national carbon mitigation and largely affect global decarbonisation initiatives, yet disparities between cities challenge country-wide progress. Low-carbon transition should preferably lead to a convergence of both equity and mitigation targets among cities. Inter-city supply chains that link the production and consumption of cities are a factor in shaping inequality and mitigation but less considered aggregately. Here, we modelled supply chains of 309 Chinese cities for 2012 to quantify carbon footprint inequality, as well as explored a leverage opportunity to achieve an inclusive low-carbon transition. We revealed significant carbon inequalities: the 10 richest cities in China have per capita carbon footprints comparable to the US level, while half of the Chinese cities sit below the global average. Inter-city supply chains in China, which are associated with 80% of carbon emissions, imply substantial carbon leakage risks and also contribute to socioeconomic disparities. However, the significant carbon inequality implies a leveraging opportunity that substantial mitigation can be achieved by 32 super-emitting cities. If the super-emitting cities adopt their differentiated mitigation pathway based on affluence, industrial structure, and role of supply chains, up to 1.4 Gt carbon quota can be created, raising 30% of the projected carbon quota to carbon peak. The additional carbon quota allows the average living standard of the other 60% of Chinese people to reach an upper-middle-income level, highlighting collaborative mechanism at the city level has a great potential to lead to a convergence of both equity and mitigation targets.

Original languageEnglish
JournalScience Bulletin
Early online date10 Aug 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 10 Aug 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (7224100119), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFE0208700 and 2022YFE0208500), and the Norwegian Research Council (287690/F20). We appreciate the suggestions from Prof. Edgar Hertwich of Norweign University of Science andTechnology.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Science China Press


  • Carbon footprint
  • China
  • City
  • Inequality
  • Mitigation
  • Multi-regional input-output models (MRIO)

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General


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