Introduction: The material body in archaeology and history

Karen Harvey*, Elizabeth Craig-Atkins

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter considers how archaeological and historical
methods and practices can us combined in a study of the material body. We will discuss the context for these, focusing particularly on the material turn, new materialism and phenomenological
approaches and the opportunities and challenges they offer for a study of
‘embodiment’. The introduction will also highlight the particular dividends
of uniting archaeological and historical perspectives for an understanding
of the embodied past, and specifically for the study of industrialising England
during the period 1700–1850.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Material Body:
Subtitle of host publicationEmbodiment, History and Archaeology in Industrializing England, 1700-1850
EditorsElizabeth Craig-Atkins, Karen Harvey
PublisherManchester University Press
Number of pages21
ISBN (Electronic)9781526152770
ISBN (Print)9781526152787
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024

Publication series

NameSocial Archaeology and Material Worlds
PublisherManchester University Press


  • the body
  • archaeology
  • osteoarchaeology
  • embodiment
  • gender,


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