Introducing the ITSEE Patristic Citations Database

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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This article introduces the citations database developed by the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing (ITSEE) at the University of Birmingham. The material was collected in order to supply indirect evidence for creating major editions of the New Testament in Greek and Latin: the Novum Testamentum Graecum Editio Critica Maior (ECM) editions of John and the Pauline Epistles, and the Vetus Latina (VL) editions of John and the first four Pauline Epistles. The article describes how the data was gathered and the interface was developed. It also gives details of the team’s col- laboration with the Biblindex project. Information is provided about the current contents of the database and how it may be accessed and used by those outside the project.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStudia Patristica Vol. C: Including Papers Presented at the Sixth British Patristics Conference, Birmingham, 5-7 September 2016.
EditorsH.A.G. Houghton, M.L. Davies, M. Vinzent
Place of PublicationLeuven
PublisherPeeters Publishers and Booksellers, Leuven
ISBN (Print)9789042940413
Publication statusPublished - 19 May 2020


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