Heritage and Wellbeing: The Impact of Heritage Places on Visitors' Wellbeing

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Heritage and Wellbeing examines what role heritage can play in creating healthier societies, exploring how heritage can improve people's wellbeing through a range of international case studies. These studies include Bangalore Fort, Imperial War Museum, Duxford, Biltmore Estate, and Chatsworth House. It presents significant new research in the field of wellbeing studies and public heritage, key chapters that evaluate museums, heritage sites, and archaeology providing evidence how these different activities pro-actively and positively influence wellbeing. Faye Sayer provides evidence of how visiting and engaging with heritage places could provide the key to healthier and happier societies, arguing the benefits of heritage should be regarded as a key player in improving wellbeing and mental health and reducing wellbeing inequality.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherOxford University Press
Number of pages288
ISBN (Print)9780198871644
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2023

Bibliographical note

Not yet published as of 01/03/2024. Estimated publication date: 04/07/2024.


  • Wellbeing
  • Heritage


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