Green creativity, responsible innovation, and product innovation performance: A study of entrepreneurial firms in an emerging economy

Samuel Adomako*, Nguyen Phong Nguyen

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In this article, we investigate the effect of green creativity on product innovation performance through the mediating mechanism of responsible innovation. Further, we explore the moderating impact of resource commitment on the relationship between green creativity and responsible innovation. Utilizing a sample of 273 entrepreneurial firms in Vietnam, we find that green creativity positively influences responsible innovation. In addition, the results demonstrate that the effect of green creativity on responsible innovation is moderated by a firm's level of resource commitment to environmental innovation, such that the effect is more pronounced when a firm commits more resources to environmental innovation. Finally, we find the effect of green creativity on product innovation performance is mediated by responsible innovation. The theoretical as well as practical implications of the findings are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBusiness Strategy and the Environment
Early online date19 Jan 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 Jan 2023


  • entrepreneurial firms
  • resource commitment
  • green creativity
  • product innovation
  • responsible innovation
  • sustainable development
  • Vietnam


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