Geological architecture and history of the Antigua volcano and carbonate platform: Was there an Oligo-Miocene lull in Lesser Antilles arc magmatism?

Leny Montheil*, Melody Philippon, Jean-Jacques Cornee, Marcelle BouDagher-Fedel, Douwe van Hinsbergen, Pierre Camps, Marco Maffione, Franck Audemard, Brechtje Brons, Koen van der Looij, Philippe Munch

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Since the acceptance of plate tectonics, the presence of calc-alkaline magmatic rocks has been recognized as evidence of subduction. But under specific geodynamic circumstances, subduction may occur without generating magmas. Here, we investigate the Cenozoic northern Lesser Antilles arc where, from sparsely exposed magmatic records, Eocene–Oligocene and Pliocene magmatic flare-ups and a Miocene lull were postulated. Nevertheless, most of the arc is submarine, so it is challenging to discern lulls and flare-ups from sampling bias. We review the magmatic evidence exposed onshore in the Lesser Antilles and investigate in detail the island of Antigua, which exposes an Eocene to Miocene volcanic sequence and platform carbonate series that coincide with the postulated lull. By combining lithostratigraphic analysis, structural mapping, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, and biostratigraphy, we refine the magmatic history of the island and date the arrest of extensive arc magmatism at 35 Ma, with minor activity until 27 Ma. No magmatic products are interleaved with the platform sequence until the latest Oligocene, which confirms a lull in northern Lesser Antilles arc magmatism that may have lasted ca. 20 Ma. Flare-up of magmatic activity contributed to crustal thickening and land emersion, whereas magmatic lulls and related thermal cooling induced subsidence/submersion. Thus, we propose that the paleo-(bio)-geographical evolution of the eastern Caribbean region has been partly controlled by magmatic activity.
Fault kinematic analysis, along with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, suggest that, at the island scale, magmatic arrest is not associated with a change in stress field during the Oligocene. We speculate that slab flattening triggered by progressive curvature played a role in the temporal shutdown of the northern Lesser Antilles arc.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1566-1586
Number of pages21
JournalGeological Society of America Bulletin
Issue number5-6
Early online date19 Oct 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2023

Bibliographical note

The authors warmly thank Arthur Iemmolo of the University of Montpellier for help with 40Ar/39Ar analyses and Fabienne Zami of the University of Antilles and Christophe Nevado of the University of Montpellier for assistance with the thin sections. Special thanks go to the National Park of Antigua and especially to Reg Murphy and Chris Waters for allowing access to special sites and accompanying the authors in the field. All the co-authors have a thought for Marcelle Boudagher-Fadel who recently passed away. Without her exceptional skills and her professionalism this work and many others within the ANR GAARAnti project could not have been realized. This work was supported by the GAARAnti project (ANR-17-31 CE-0009) and by the INSU TelluS-SYSTER grant call for 2017–2019. D.J.J. van Hinsbergen acknowledges Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Vici grant 865.17.001.


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