Generation of cardiomyocytes from human-induced pluripotent stem cells resembling atrial cells with ability to respond to adrenoceptor agonists

Faizzan S. Ahmad, Yongcheng Jin, Alexander Grassam-Rowe, Yafei Zhou, Meng Yuan, Xuehui Fan, Rui Zhou, Razik Mu-u-min, Christopher O'Shea, Ayman M. Ibrahim, Wajiha Hyder, Yasmine Aguib, Magdi Yacoub, Davor Pavlovic, Yanmin Zhang, Xiaoqiu Tan, Ming Lei, Derek A. Terrar*

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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common chronic arrhythmia presenting a heavy disease burden. We report a new approach for generating cardiomyocytes (CMs) resembling atrial cells from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) using a combination of Gremlin 2 and retinoic acid treatment. More than 40% of myocytes showed rod-shaped morphology, expression of CM proteins (including ryanodine receptor 2, α-actinin-2 and F-actin) and striated appearance, all of which were broadly similar to the characteristics of adult atrial myocytes (AMs). Isolated myocytes were electrically quiescent until stimulated to fire action potentials with an AM profile and an amplitude of approximately 100 mV, arising from a resting potential of approximately −70 mV. Single-cell RNA sequence analysis showed a high level of expression of several atrial-specific transcripts including NPPA, MYL7, HOXA3, SLN, KCNJ4, KCNJ5 and KCNA5. Amplitudes of calcium transients recorded from spontaneously beating cultures were increased by the stimulation of α-adrenoceptors (activated by phenylephrine and blocked by prazosin) or β-adrenoceptors (activated by isoproterenol and blocked by CGP20712A). Our new approach provides human AMs with mature characteristics from hiPSCs which will facilitate drug discovery by enabling the study of human atrial cell signalling pathways and AF.

This article is part of the theme issue ‘The heartbeat: its molecular basis and physiological mechanisms’.
Original languageEnglish
Article number20220312
Number of pages16
JournalRoyal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences
Issue number1879
Early online date1 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jun 2023


  • iPSCs
  • iPSC-derived atrial cardiomyocytes
  • Gremlin 2
  • retinoic acid
  • adrenergic receptor
  • calcium


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