Economic Environment in the Middle East

Dimitrios Reppas, Yama Temouri

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter provides a summary of the connecting economic themes, development strategies, and economic challenges found in the Middle East. Overall, countries in this region have experienced different degrees of economic growth; therefore, the past economic development has relied heavily on a few key countries which have rather kept their human capital in unproductive public sector jobs. The GCC countries have, nevertheless, realized that such policies of the previous decades have been largely unsustainable. They have, therefore, set the foundations for market-based economies by undertaking structural reforms to support diversification and promote business/investment initiatives. The main comparative advantage of countries in the Middle East is their large segments of their populations below the age of 30, who are in their most economically productive phase. We argue, in this chapter, that countries in this region should, therefore, seize this opportunity in the immediate future, by reforming their educational systems, undertaking more R&D, encouraging innovation, and enhancing their young people’s entrepreneurship.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDoing Business in the Middle East
Subtitle of host publicationA Research-Based Practitioners’ Guide
EditorsPawan Budhwar, Vijay Pereira
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9781003005766
ISBN (Print)9780367437824, 9780367437855
Publication statusPublished - 4 May 2023


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