Earth System Model Analysis of How Astronomical Forcing Is Imprinted Onto the Marine Geological Record: The Role of the Inorganic (Carbonate) Carbon Cycle and Feedbacks

Pam Vervoort*, Sandra Kirtland Turner, Fiona Rochholz, Andy Ridgwell

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Astronomical cycles are strongly expressed in marine geological records, providing important insights into Earth system dynamics and an invaluable means of constructing age models. However, how various astronomical periods are filtered by the Earth system and the mechanisms by which carbon reservoirs and climate components respond, particularly in absence of dynamic ice sheets, is unclear. Using an Earth system model that includes feedbacks between climate, ocean circulation, and inorganic (carbonate) carbon cycling relevant to geological timescales, we systematically explore the impact of astronomically modulated insolation forcing and its expression in model variables most comparable to key paleoceanographic proxies (temperature, the δ13C of inorganic carbon, and sedimentary carbonate content). Temperature predominately responds to short and long eccentricity and is little influenced by the modeled carbon cycle feedbacks. In contrast, the cycling of nutrients and carbon in the ocean generates significant precession power in atmospheric CO2, benthic ocean δ13C, and sedimentary wt% CaCO3, while inclusion of marine sedimentary and weathering processes shifts power to the long eccentricity period. Our simulations produce reduced pCO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) δ13C at long eccentricity maxima and, contrary to early Cenozoic marine records, CaCO3 preservation in the model is enhanced during eccentricity-modulated warmth. Additionally, the magnitude of δ13C variability simulated in our model underestimates marine proxy records. These model-data discrepancies hint at the possibility that the Paleogene silicate weathering feedback was weaker than modeled here and that additional organic carbon cycle feedbacks are necessary to explain the full response of the Earth system to astronomical forcing.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2020PA004090
Number of pages20
JournalPaleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Issue number10
Early online date17 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2021

Bibliographical note

While working on this manuscript P. Vervoort, S. Kirtland Turner, and A. Ridgwell were supported by a Heising-Simons Foundation award and NSF award 1702913. F. Rochholz was funded through the ERC Consolidator Grant “EarthSequencing” awarded to Prof. Dr. Heiko Pälike. A. Ridgwell also acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation under Grant 1658024.


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