DONSON: Slding in 2 the limelight

Grant S Stewart*

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For over a decade, it has been known that yeast Sld2, Dpb11, GINS and Polε form the pre-loading complex (pre-LC), which is recruited to a CDC45-bound MCM2-7 complex by the Sld3/Sld7 heterodimer in a phospho-dependent manner. Whilst functional orthologs of Dbp11 (TOPBP1), Sld3 (TICRR) and Sld7 (MTBP) have been identified in metazoans, controversy has surrounded the identity of the Sld2 ortholog. It was originally proposed that the RECQ helicase, RECQL4, which is mutated in Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, represented the closest vertebrate ortholog of Sld2 due to a small region of sequence homology at its N-Terminus. However, there is no clear evidence that RECQL4 is required for CMG loading. Recently, new findings suggest that the functional ortholog of Sld2 is actually DONSON, a replication fork stability factor mutated in a range of neurodevelopmental disorders characterised by microcephaly, short stature and limb abnormalities. These studies show that DONSON forms a complex with TOPBP1, GINS and Polε analogous to the pre-LC in yeast, which is required to position the GINS complex on the MCM complex and initiate DNA replication. Taken together with previously published functions for DONSON, these observations indicate that DONSON plays two roles in regulating DNA replication, one in promoting replication initiation and one in stabilising the fork during elongation. Combined, these findings may help to uncover why DONSON mutations are associated with such a wide range of clinical deficits.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103616
JournalMutation Research
Early online date23 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2024

Bibliographical note

Copyright © 2023 The Authors.


  • Sld2
  • Microcephalic dwarfism
  • Replication initiation
  • Meier-Gorlin syndrome, Replication stress


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