Coulomb staircase in an asymmetrically coupled quantum dot

George McArdle, Rose Davies, Igor V. Lerner, Igor V. Yurkevich

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We investigate the Coulomb blockade in quantum dots asymmetrically coupled to the leads for an arbitrary voltage bias focusing on the regime where electrons do not thermalise during their dwell time in the dot. By solving the quantum kinetic equation, we show that the current-voltage characteristics are crucially dependent on the ratio of the Fermi energy to charging energy on the dot. In the standard regime when the Fermi energy is large, there is a Coulomb staircase which is practically the same as in the thermalised regime. In the opposite case of the large charging energy, we identify a new regime in which only one step is left in the staircase, and we anticipate experimental confirmation of this finding.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Apr 2023

Bibliographical note

12 pages, 2 figures


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