‘Beyond GDP’ in cities: assessing alternative approaches to urban economic development

Richard Crisp, David Waite*, Anne Green, Ceri Hughes, Ruth Lupton, Danny MacKinnon, Andy Pike

*Corresponding author for this work

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Crises spur reflection and re-evaluation of what matters and what is valued. The impacts of the 2008 global financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic and climate emergency are reigniting debates about the nature of economic development approaches and what they aim to achieve in urban settings. Addressing a substantive gap in contemporary debates by helping to navigate a burgeoning and diverse field, this paper provides a critical and comparative assessment of five leading agendas that have been positioned as alternative and progressive policy responses to urban economic change: inclusive growth; the wellbeing economy; community wealth building; doughnut economics; and the foundational economy. Taking an international perspective, the paper provides a comparative review of their stated visions, mechanisms for change, and the spatial scales through which they are led and implemented. Our argument is that these alternative approaches to urban economic development are shaping creative, innovative and progressive responses to longstanding urban problems within policy and practice communities but require on-going scrutiny and evaluation to realise their potential to meaningfully achieve transformative change.
Original languageEnglish
JournalUrban Studies
Early online date12 Aug 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Aug 2023

Bibliographical note

The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Pike and Mackinnon acknowledge the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in conjunction with L’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [grant number ES/V013696/1] under the Open Research Area scheme; project website: https://research.ncl.ac.uk/beyondleftbehindplaces/. Green acknowledges support from Research England via the West Midlands Regional Economic Development Institute (WMREDI). Hughes and Lupton acknowledge support from the UK Prevention Research Partnership, an initiative funded by UK Research and Innovation Councils, the Department of Health and Social Care (England) and the UK devolved administrations, and leading health research charities; weblink: https://ukprp.org/ and project website: https://sipher.ac.uk/.


  • community wealth building
  • inclusive growth
  • governance
  • local government
  • policy


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