Becoming active in the micro-politics of healthcare re-organisation: The identity work and political activation of doctors, nurses and managers

Justin Waring*, Simon Bishop, Jenelle Clarke, Bridget Roe

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The changing organisation and governance of healthcare work represents a persistent focus of micro-politics. Whilst there is a developed literature describing the micro-politics struggles that occur amongst health occupations, there is little understanding about how actors become politically aware and active. Framed by research on political activation and the concept of identity work, the paper reports on a narrative interview study with 65 people, specifically doctors, nurses and managers, working in the English healthcare system. The narratives show that healthcare workers become increasingly aware of and engaged in micro-political activities through incremental stages based on their accumulating experiences. These stages are opportunities for identity work as actors make sense of their experiences of micro-politics, their occupational affiliations and their evolving sense of self. This identity work is shaped by actors changing views about the morality of playing politics, the emotional implications of their engagement, and the deepening political commitments. The study shows that political socialisation and activation can vary between occupations and rather than assuming political affiliations are given or acquired the papers highlights the reflective agency of healthcare actors.
Original languageEnglish
Article number116145
JournalSocial Science and Medicine
Early online date5 Aug 2023
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023


  • Micro-politics
  • Political activation
  • Political socialisation
  • Identity work
  • Healthcare work
  • Organisational change


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