Bauschinger effect in Nb and V alloyed line-pipe steels

Andrii Kostryzhev, Martin Strangwood, Claire Davis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

8 Citations (Scopus)


The UOE process is used for cold forming of large diameter steel line-pipes. Pipe strength has been found to increase (work hardening) or decrease (Bauschinger effect) after the UOE process compared to the plate depending on the steel grade, plate and pipe processing history. The steel chemistry, through the presence of microalloy precipitates, and prior processing, through the size and distribution of microalloy precipitates and presence of retained work hardening, affects the magnitude of the Bauschinger effect. In this paper the microstructures of two (Nb and Nb-V alloyed) steel plates, in terms of (Nb,V)(C,N) particle distributions and dislocation densities, have been related to the Bauschinger parameters in the as rolled and annealed initial conditions. The Bauschinger stress parameter increases with microalloy particle number density and dislocation density increase and the relative importance of the two effects is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)186-192
Number of pages7
JournalIronmaking & Steelmaking
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2009


  • Bauschinger effect
  • Work hardening
  • Microalloyed steels
  • UOE forming
  • Precipitation
  • Linepipe steels


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