Association of the D8S282 marker near the lipoprotein lipase gene locus with systolic blood pressure in healthy Chinese subjects

YQ Ma, Graham Thomas, JAJH Critchley, ZSK Lee, JCN Chan, B Tomlinson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    7 Citations (Scopus)


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between the marker D8S282 near the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene locus, and blood pressure, anthropometric and biochemical parameters in 229 healthy Chinese subjects.METHOD Genotyping was performed using an automated DNA sequencer and the Base ImageIR software. Eight different alleles were identified (272-286 bp) resulting in 15 genotypes in our population. We investigated the association between the common (28.8%) 278 bp allele and the anthropometric and biochemical parameters. RESULTS: In a tertile analysis, the frequency of the 278 bp allele increased linearly ( P = 0.003) with increasing systolic blood pressure (SBP). The relationship was most evident in the females ( n = 141); SBP was higher in homozygotes for the 278 bp allele (117 +/- 10 mmHg, = 12) than those without this allele (109 +/- 9 mmHg, = 77, 0.05) and was gene-dose dependent, and this difference was more significant after adjusting for age (P = 0.004). No relationship between the locus and the anthropometric or biochemical parameters investigated was observed. CONCLUSION: The D8S282 marker near the LPL gene locus contributes to the variance of SBP in healthy Hong Kong Chinese subjects, particularly in females.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2199-2204
    Number of pages6
    JournalJournal of Hypertension
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002


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