Arginine dependency is a therapeutically exploitable vulnerability in chronic myeloid leukaemic stem cells

Kevin M Rattigan, Martha M Zarou, Zuzana Brabcova, Bodhayan Prasad, Désirée Zerbst, Daniele Sarnello, Eric R Kalkman, Angela Ianniciello, Mary T Scott, Karen Dunn, Engy Shokry, David Sumpton, Mhairi Copland, Saverio Tardito, Johan Vande Voorde, Francis Mussai, Paul Cheng, G Vignir Helgason*

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To fuel accelerated proliferation, leukaemic cells undergo metabolic deregulation, which can result in specific nutrient dependencies. Here, we perform an amino acid drop‐out screen and apply pre‐clinical models of chronic phase chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) to identify arginine as a nutrient essential for primary human CML cells. Analysis of the Microarray Innovations in Leukaemia (MILE) dataset uncovers reduced ASS1 levels in CML compared to most other leukaemia types. Stable isotope tracing reveals repressed activity of all urea cycle enzymes in patient‐derived CML CD34+ cells, rendering them arginine auxotrophic. Thus, arginine deprivation completely blocks proliferation of CML CD34+ cells and induces significantly higher levels of apoptosis when compared to arginine‐deprived cell lines. Similarly, primary CML cells, but not normal CD34+ samples, are particularly sensitive to treatment with the arginine‐depleting enzyme, BCT‐100, which induces apoptosis and reduces clonogenicity. Moreover, BCT‐100 is highly efficacious in a patient‐derived xenograft model, causing > 90% reduction in the number of human leukaemic stem cells (LSCs). These findings indicate arginine depletion to be a promising and novel strategy to eradicate therapy resistant LSCs.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere56279
Number of pages12
JournalEMBO Reports
Early online date25 Jul 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 25 Jul 2023


  • therapy resistance
  • amino acids
  • metabolism
  • leukaemic stem cells


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