An investigation of the construct validity of the ICECAP-A capability measure

Hareth Al-Janabi, Tim J Peters, John Brazier, Stirling Bryan, Terry N Flynn, Sam Clemens, Alison Moody, Joanna Coast

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To investigate the construct validity of the ICECAP-A capability wellbeing measure.
A face-to-face interview-administered survey was conducted with 418 members of the UK general population, randomly sampled from the Postcode Address File. Pre-specified hypotheses were developed about the expected associations between individuals’ ICECAP-A responses and their socio-economic circumstances, health and freedom. The hypotheses were investigated using statistical tests of association.
The ICECAP-A responses and scores reflected differences across different health and socioeconomic groups as anticipated, but did not distinguish individuals by the level of local deprivation. Mean ICECAP-A scores reflected individuals’ perceived freedom slightly more closely than did measures of health and happiness.
This study suggests that the ICECAP-A measure can identify expected differences in capability wellbeing in a general population sample. Further work could establish whether self-reported capabilities exhibit desirable validity and acceptability in sub-groups of the population such as patients, social care recipients and informal carers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1831-1840
JournalQuality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2013


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