An Ennola duality for subgroups of groups of Lie type

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We develop a theory of Ennola duality for subgroups of finite groups of Lie type, relating subgroups of twisted and untwisted groups of the same type. Roughly speaking, one finds that subgroups H of GUd(q) correspond to subgroups of GLd(−q), where −q is interpreted modulo |H|. Analogous results for types other than A are established, including for those exceptional types where the maximal subgroups are known, although the result for type D is still conjectural. Let M denote the Gram matrix of a non-zero orthogonal form for a real, irreducible representation of a finite group, and consider α = √det(M). If the representation has twice odd dimension, we conjecture that α lies in some cyclotomic field. This does not hold for representations of dimension a multiple of 4, with a specific example of the Janko group J1 in dimension 56 given. (This tallies with Ennola duality for representations, where type D2n has no Ennola duality with 2D2n.)
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)785–799
Number of pages15
JournalMonatshefte fur Mathematik
Issue number4
Early online date5 Feb 2022
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


  • Maximal subgroups
  • Ennola duality
  • Subgroup structure of groups
  • Representations of finite groups


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