A Sustainable Water Resources Management Assessment Framework (SWRM-AF) for Arid and Semi-Arid Regions-Part 1: Developing the Conceptual Framework

Badir S. Alsaeed*, Dexter V. L. Hunt, Soroosh Sharifi

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The evaluation of water resources management practices is essential for water usage decisions in regions with limited water resources. The literature provides numerous assessment frameworks, but many ignore the unique characteristics and conditions of some special arid and semi-arid regions, such as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, which lack any permanent rivers or lakes. Thus, this study, the first in a two-part series, seeks to develop a conceptual Sustainable Water Resources Management Assessment Framework (SWRM-AF). General and particular criteria explain how components and indicators were identified. The conceptual SWRM-AF provided here has four components (environment, economy, society, and infrastructure) and 24 indicators. Almost every indicator has been selected from the literature and is briefly explained and justified. This research presents, possibly for the first time, clear and straightforward directions for evaluating each indicator in colour-coded tables. To create a more holistic framework for arid and semi-arid regions, social indicators like “intervention acceptability” and environmental indicators for assessing the impacts of desalination treatment plants have been added to form a unique framework applicable to such regions. Therefore, the components and indicators of conceptual SWRM-AF could work collectively to aid the process of decision-making. The next phase is validating this framework using a participatory approach.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2634
Number of pages42
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

B.S.A. gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Qassim University in Saudi Arabia given to him during his doctoral studies.


  • sustainable assessment
  • arid
  • indicator-based
  • semi-arid
  • indicator
  • conceptual
  • water resources management
  • water sustainable framework
  • framework


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